ätherische Duftöle von ARPACK Düfte Raumduft

Essential oils of fragrance from ARPACK®

Whether in ancient Egypt, among the Mayans or in China, all advanced civilizations on our planet knew about the effects of fragrances.

While essential oils are part of traditional Chinese medicine in China, some hospitals in Europe are now also beginning to use these oils. But not only medically, the value and recognition of essential oils is increasing more and more, but also in everyday life.

Through their invigorating essences, essential oils play out their strengths just as a fragrance, for example, in your own four walls or in the office. They have an incomparably harmonizing effect. Both on the body and on the mind.

With various therapeutic effects, they combat or alleviate physical ailments, reduce stress or increase concentration and can positively influence our sensations or even our mood.

However, they all have one thing in common: essential oils give every room an individual touch and promote personal well-being.

ARPACK’s essential oils are therefore an excellent alternative to extremely questionable, artificial fragrances, as found in most room sprays or perfumes.

What effect do you want to experience?
Decide from nine selected fragrances.


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